I cried. For real. Maybe it's because of today's mood (I'm missing somebody, I'm worrying and I don't want to do a thing...), maybe it's because of °C-ute and the song. If somebody didn't know: this song is a cover and remembers the Sendai catastrophe 2 years ago. I don't speak much Japanese, but…
2013.01.14. 22:14 Naru-chan
Awesome. ♥
Morning Musume - Help me!! (PV) English: Just awesome. ♥ Must love: Mizuki, Ayumi, Eripon, Haruna, Reina, the dance, Mizuki's monolouge, Sakura's voice, Mizuki's lines, Sakura's main line, Reina's "god pose" during the bridge, Masaki's hair & earrings, birdview shots of the dance, the "city…
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Címkék: music morning musume help me pv hello!project
2013.01.14. 01:42 Naru-chan
30 Day Idol Challenge - In one post
A Hello! Project fan page on facebook did this 30 days idol challenge a while ago, I've done it and saved all my answers and all the questions of it and I decided to publicate it here. Enjoy! ^^ Day 1:Who's your favorite idol? - Fukumura Mizuki ^^Day 2:The Idol you hate or dislike - I don't hate…